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Lowenthal examines cyber space and the issues it presents to the intelligence community such as defining cyber as a new collection discipline; the implications of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s staff report on enhanced interrogation techniques; the rise of the Islamic State; and the issues surrounding the nuclear agreement with Iran. New sections have been added offering a brief summary of the major laws governing U.S. intelligence today such as domestic intelligence collection, whistleblowers vs. leakers, and the growing field of financial intelligence.
   本書は、日本を代表する二人のインテリジェンス・マスター手嶋 龍一と佐藤 優が共同執筆し、三年の歳月をかけてまとめあげたインテリジェンスの決定版です。国際政局の前線に身を置いてきた貴重な経験をケース・スタディとして紹介しながら、インテリジェンスの本質を初めて学ぶ人たちにもわかりやすく伝える一冊です。
専門家だけでなく一般読者にとっても「インテリジェンス・リテラシー」向上の書として最適!  佐藤優(元外務省主任分析官・作家)氏推薦!
    Analyzing Intelligence, now in a revised and extensively updated second edition, assesses the state of the profession of intelligence analysis from the practitioners point of view. The contributors--most of whom have held senior positions in the US intelligence community--review the evolution of the field, the rise of new challenges, pitfalls in analysis, and the lessons from new training and techniques designed to deal with 21st century national security problems. This second edition updates this indispensable book with new chapters that highlight advances in applying more analytic rigor to analysis, along with expertise-building, training, and professional development. New chapters by practitioners broaden the original volume's discussion of the analyst-policymaker relationship by addressing analytic support to the military customer as well as by demonstrating how structured analysis can benefit military commanders on the battlefield.
Analyzing Intelligence is written for national security practitioners such as producers and users of intelligence, as well as for scholars and students seeking to understand the nature and role of intelligence analysis, its strengths and weaknesses, and steps that can improve it and lead it to a more recognizable profession.
The most comprehensive and up-to-date volume on professional intelligence analysis as practiced in the US Government, Analyzing Intelligence is essential reading for practitioners and users of intelligence analysis, as well as for students and scholars in security studies and related fields.
   The book includes material on the intelligence cycle, collection, managing analysis and dealing with intelligence customers. Combining a practical approach to modelling with his insider perspective, Clark creates an ideal resource for students and practitioners alike.
   One of the best books covering on-line research.
   In this cogently argued and revealing book, Jervis, a veteran CIA consultant, uses the Iranian and Iraqi cases to dissect why, in some circumstances, intelligence fails to provide accurate analysis to policymakers. . . . The section on Iran . . . identifies a number of errors with respect to intelligence on Iran, ranging from the mistaken belief that the shah was strong enough to undertake decisive and sustained action against his opponents to underestimating the role played by religion and nationalism in Iranian society. In the section on Iraq . . . Jervis contends that the fundamental reason for the WMD intelligence failure was that it made the most sense to assume that the country possessed WMD, given the Iraqi government's previous behavior. Highly recommended for all interested academic and general readers.
   世界の主要国は、着実にCBRNテロ対策を進めている。それでは我が国、日本は? 世界で当たり前に実行されていることが、日本で行われている訳ではない。
   もし、空港や駅でテロに巻き込まれたら?不安定な国際情勢、サミットやオリンピックの開催。 平和な日本といえども、テロの可能性はゼロではありません。 本書は、人為災害に遭遇した際に命を守る行動について、わかりやすいイラストとともに解説するマニュアルです。

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